August ranking of programming languages ​​TIOBE

TIOBE Software has released its August Programming Language Popularity Ranking, which highlights the strengthening position of the Python language compared to August 2021, which has moved from second to first place. The C and Java languages, respectively, moved to second and third places, despite continued growth in popularity (Python grew by 3.56%, and C and Java by 2.03% and 1.96%, respectively). The TIOBE Popularity Index bases its findings on the analysis of search query statistics on systems such as Google, Google Blogs, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, MSN, YouTube, QQ, Sohu, Bing, Amazon, and Baidu.

Of the changes over the year, there is also an increase in the popularity of Assembly languages ​​(up from 9th to 8th place), SQL (from 10th to 9th), Swift (from 16th to 11th), Go (from 18th to 15th), Object Pascal (from 11th to 13th ), Objective-C (from 22 to 14), Rust (from 26 to 22). The popularity of PHP (from 8 to 10), R (from 14 to 16), Ruby (from 15 to 18), Fortran (from 13 to 19) decreased. The Kotlin language entered the Top 30 list. The recently introduced Carbon language ranked 192nd.

August ranking of programming languages ​​TIOBE

In the August PYPL ranking, which uses Google Trends, the top three has not changed over the year: the first place is occupied by the Python language, followed by Java and JavaScript. Rust moved up from 17th to 13th place, TypeScript from 10th to 8th, and Swift from 11th to 9th. Compared to August last year, Go, Dart, Ada, Lua, and Julia have also grown in popularity. The popularity of Objective-C, Visual Basic, Perl, Groovy, Kotlin, Matlab has decreased.

August ranking of programming languages ​​TIOBE

Based on GitHub popularity scores and Stack Overflow discussion activity, RedMonk ranked the top ten as follows: JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, C#, CSS, C++, TypeScript, Ruby, C. C++ from fifth to seventh place.

August ranking of programming languages ​​TIOBE


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