Thunderbird 102 email client beta release

A beta release of a major new branch of the Thunderbird 102 email client, based on the Firefox 102 ESR release codebase, has been released. The release is scheduled for June 28th.

The most notable changes:

  • Built-in client for the Matrix decentralized communications system. The implementation supports advanced features such as end-to-end encryption, sending invitations, lazy loading of participants, and editing sent messages.
  • A new import and export wizard has been added that supports the transfer of messages, settings, filters, address book and accounts from various configurations, including migration from Outlook and SeaMonkey.
  • A new implementation of the address book with vCard support is proposed.
    Thunderbird 102 email client beta release
  • Added Spaces sidebar with buttons for quick switching between program modes (email, address book, calendar, chat, add-ons).
    Thunderbird 102 email client beta release
  • Added the ability to insert thumbnails to preview the contents of links in emails. When you add a link while writing an email, you are now prompted to add a thumbnail of the associated content for the link for the recipient to see.
    Thunderbird 102 email client beta release
  • Instead of the Add New Account Wizard, the first time you launch it, a summary screen is displayed with a list of possible initial actions, such as setting up an existing account, importing a profile, creating a new email, setting up a calendar, chat, and news feed.
    Thunderbird 102 email client beta release
  • Changed the design of email headers.
    Thunderbird 102 email client beta release
  • Source:

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