Blender 4.0

Blender 4.0

14 November Blender 4.0 was released.

The transition to the new version will be smooth, since there are no significant changes in the interface. Therefore, most training materials, courses and guides will remain relevant for the new version.

Major changes include:

πŸ”» Snap Base. You can now easily set a reference point when moving an object using the B key. This allows for fast and accurate snapping from one vertex to another.

πŸ”» AgX is a new way to control color, which is now standard. This update provides more efficient color processing in high exposure areas compared to the previous Filmic. The improvement is especially noticeable in the display of bright colors, bringing them closer to the white of real cameras.

πŸ”» Reworked Principled BSDF. Most options can now be collapsed for easier management. Changes include processing of Sheen, Subsurface scattering, IOR and other parameters.

πŸ”» Light and Shadow Linking. This feature allows you to adjust lighting and shadows for each object in the scene individually.

πŸ”» Geometry Nodes. Now it is possible to specify a replay zone that can repeat a given tree of nodes many times. A setting has also been added for working with sharps in nodes.

πŸ”» Node-Based Tools. There's an accessible way to create tools and addons without using Python. Now node systems can be used as operators directly from the 3D view menu.

πŸ”» Modifiers. The Add Modifier menu has been changed to a standard list menu and expanded to include custom modifiers from the geometry node assets group. This change is getting mixed reviews and doesn't look very user-friendly yet.

In addition to these changes, improvements have also been made to rigging, the pose library, working with bones and more.

Blender 4.0 is available for download on the official website.


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