Boeing delivers first batch of face shields to healthcare workers

Boeing Aerospace Corporation, which stopped aircraft production until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has taken up the production of medical equipment, which is now in dire need.

Boeing delivers first batch of face shields to healthcare workers

The corporation said the first batch of 2300 XNUMXD-printed face shields at its Puget Sound and other U.S. manufacturing facilities was handed over Friday to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Boeing said in a press release that the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will deliver face shields to the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, which has been converted into a temporary hospital to treat COVID-19 patients. Face shields will be used by healthcare workers as personal protective equipment against coronavirus.

In addition to face shields, Boeing donated tens of thousands of masks, gloves and other supplies to hospitals.

Together with Boeing, Design That Matters, a non-profit organization in Redmond, Washington, participated in the development of the face shields. The visor consists of a 3D printed frame with an adjustable headband and a plastic sheet.

Solvay, one of Boeing's suppliers, supplies clear sheets of plastic that are attached to the frame to protect the face. Another supplier, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, provides free of charge the straps needed for an adjustable headband.


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