Chrome shortens release cycle and introduces Extended Stable edition

The developers of the Chrome browser have announced a reduction in the development cycle for new releases from six to four weeks, which will speed up the delivery of new features to users. It is noted that the optimization of the release preparation process and the improvement of the testing system makes it possible to generate releases more often without sacrificing quality. The change will take effect starting with the release of Chrome 94, which will be formed in the third quarter.

In addition, for enterprises and those who need more time to upgrade every 8 weeks, the Extended Stable edition will be released, which will allow you to switch to new functional releases not every 4 weeks, but every 8 weeks. Throughout maintenance of Extended Stable releases, updates with vulnerabilities will be generated once every two weeks. For Chrome OS, it is also planned to maintain multiple stable releases at the same time and publish updates with vulnerabilities fixed for the last stable release, after the next functional release is available.


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