Cloudpunk will get a first-person view, but you can try the mode now

ION LANDS CEO Marko Dieckmann has posted the debut footage of the cyberpunk adventure's first-person mode on the studio's official microblog. cloudpunk.

Cloudpunk will get a first-person view, but you can try the mode now

The ability to change the camera in Cloudpunk is currently in testing. To try out the feature yourself, you need to switch to the beta version of the game through its properties in the Steam Library.

The transition from third person to first person seamless and carried out on the fly. According to Dieckmann, despite the modesty of the innovation, in this Cloudpunk mode perceived like a completely new game.

β€œWe had to make adjustments to the UI scale, input functions and the like, but the level design remained the same for both cameras. Of course, this mode reveals some of the tricks that we used to create the environment, ”- commented Dieckmann's process of integrating first-person perspective into the game.

In the near future, the first-person view will get to the release state, but whether the mode will appear on consoles is unknown. Dieckmann himself would be happy about it, but the transfer of Cloudpunk to new platforms is handled by another team.

Recall that Cloudpunk is scheduled for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch before the end of this year. In the meantime, the game is available exclusively on Steam, where it appeared 23 April.

Cloudpunk takes place in the nighttime cyberpunk metropolis of Nivalis. The project proposes to take on the role of Rania - a driver in a semi-legal delivery company Cloudpunk Inc.


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