Cris Tales in the spirit of classic JRPGs will visit Google Stadia

Modus Games, Dreams Uncorporated and SYCK have announced that Cris Tales will be released on the Google Stadia cloud service along with versions for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Cris Tales in the spirit of classic JRPGs will visit Google Stadia

Cris Tales is a "love letter to classic JRPGs" like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Valkyrie Profile, as well as more modern titles in the genre: Bravely Default and 5 person. The project will have turn-based battles that are connected with time - you can transfer enemies to the past and the future, synchronize the actions of party members and follow the methods of attack and defense.

Cris Tales is set in a dark fantasy world with a bleak future. According to the plot, the main character Crisbell needs to cross the country of Crystallis and four kingdoms in order to stop the powerful Empress of Time and rewrite the future of the world. Players will meet a variety of characters that can be called into their party. Each of them has its own history and skills.

Cris Tales in the spirit of classic JRPGs will visit Google Stadia

It is stated that the passage of Cris Tales will take more than 20 hours. The game will go on sale in 2020.


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