Cruise cancels plans to launch robot taxi service in 2019

Self-driving car technology company Cruise Automation has taken off the agenda to launch a large-scale robotic taxi service in 2019, General Motors (GM) subsidiary CEO Dan Ammann said Tuesday.

Cruise cancels plans to launch robot taxi service in 2019

Cruise plans to significantly increase the number of its autonomous test vehicles on San Francisco roads, he said, but has no intention of offering rides for regular commuters just yet.

Recall that earlier GM management told investors that by the end of this year, its taxi service based on self-driving cars will be available for general use. Dan Ammann, who previously headed GM, hasn't even committed to launching the service next year.

Cruise cancels plans to launch robot taxi service in 2019

“We want this moment to come as quickly as possible. But everything we do now is related to security. And that is why we are increasing the testing and validation run to get to this point as quickly as possible,” explained Ammann.

Cruise is still awaiting regulatory approval to deploy a fleet of self-driving Chevy Bolts without a steering wheel or pedals. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has already conducted a public opinion poll on this issue, but has not yet responded to Cruise's request. And now the company is waiting for the final verdict.


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