Customer Development as a life philosophy

This Friday article is about applying modern business techniques in everyday life. Please take it with humor.

Customer Development came to us as a technique for identifying the needs of potential customers when creating new products. However, its principles can be applied to many personal problems. Moreover, CustDev can be part of the life philosophy of a modern person.

Applying the philosophy of Cust Dev helps to improve relationships between people. As a life principle it might look like this:

If you want to get a good result and a grateful attitude towards yourself, then first find out what people want and do it, and not what seems right to you personally.

The algorithm for applying this principle is simple.

  1. Try to prepare and do your research well in advance.
  2. Remember the statements and actions of people for whom you are going to do something on a given topic.
  3. Consider clarifying questions.
  4. Ask clarifying questions in advance and gradually, without attracting attention.
  5. If you want to conduct research discreetly and without arousing suspicion, then organically weave your questions into other conversations and discussions.
  6. Avoid public polls, as in public people often do not show their opinion, but tend to someone else's authoritative opinions.

How to apply. Examples.

Example #1: Buying a gift for a loved one or colleague.

We all face from time to time with the problem - what to give to loved ones in the face of a huge variety of options. We want the gift to be personal, memorable, sincere. In other words, the way the donee wants.

Get ready in advance - pay attention to what the donee is looking at in stores, what he often talks about, the discussion of which items are of great interest.

The Customer Development methodology is effective when it is used to explore past experience. If the topic of gifts ever pops up in your communication, you should ask - what gift did you like / remember the most in your life? And why?

Ask mutual friends what the person who needs to buy a surprise gift is interested in.
If you think of asking directly - what to give you, then you risk hearing accusations of inattention or even greed. Therefore, it is better to explore the topic discreetly.

Example #2: Office landscaping.

Quite often in the HR environment, the topic of office improvement arises - what else can be done to make it more comfortable for your favorite employees to work. With the help of the Customer Development philosophy, the task is solved quite simply.

Listen to what relaxation formats employees discuss over a cup of tea or coffee.
What inspires your employees? Do they discuss the interiors of the offices of famous companies? Throw them pictures of the offices of well-known companies in the chat and listen to what they will say in this regard.

You can directly ask the question - "What would you personally improve in our office and how?". You need to ask in person tete-a-tete. You can organize a survey on Google forms, but it must be anonymous, and the request to complete it must be made personally to each employee. This is important, because suspicious employees can immediately suspect something is wrong, think that they are being evaluated in this way, that layoffs may soon occur or someone will be deprived of a bonus.


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