DCIM is the key to data center management

According to the forecasts of iKS-Consulting analysts, by 2021 the growth in the number of server racks at the largest data center service providers in Russia will reach 49. And their number in the world, according to Gartner, has long exceeded 2,5 million.

For modern enterprises, the data center is a valuable asset. Demand for data storage and processing resources is constantly growing, and along with it, electricity tariffs are rising. Traditional monitoring and control systems cannot answer the questions of how much electricity is consumed, by whom and how to save it. They do not help to find answers to other questions of data center maintenance specialists:

  • How to ensure the smooth operation of the center?
  • How to configure equipment and create a reliable infrastructure for critical elements?
  • How to establish effective management of the work of the most active sites?
  • How to improve the data center management system?

That is why outdated non-integrated systems are being replaced by DCIM - the latest data center monitoring and management system that allows you to reduce costs, answer questions and solve a number of other equally important tasks:

  • elimination of the causes of failures;
  • increase in data center capacity;
  • increasing return on investment;
  • staff reduction.

DCIM integrates all components of equipment and IT infrastructure on one platform and provides complete information for making decisions on the management and quality maintenance of the data center.

The system monitors power consumption in real time, displays energy efficiency indicators (PUE), controls environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, pressure ...) and the operation of information resources - servers, switches and storage systems.

Three Examples of Implementing DCIM Solutions

Briefly describe how the DCIM system was implemented Delta InfraSuite Manager at different enterprises and what results have been achieved.

1. Taiwanese company for the development of semiconductor components.

Specialization: development of integrated circuits for wireless communication, DVD/Bluray devices, high-definition television.

Task. Implement a complete DCIM solution in a new medium-sized data center. The most important parameter is the continuous monitoring of the energy efficiency indicator (PUE). It was also supposed to monitor the state of the entire working environment, power systems, cooling systems, access to the room, logic controllers and other equipment.

Solution. Three modules of the Delta InfraSuite Manager system (Operation Platform, PUE Energy, Asset) are installed. This made it possible to integrate disparate components into a single system, where all information from the elements of the data center infrastructure began to arrive. To control costs, a virtual electricity meter was developed.


  • reduced mean time to repair (MTTR);
  • growth of indicators of availability of services and environmental friendliness of the data center;
  • reduction in electricity costs.

Despite the fact that a wide range of tasks can be solved with the help of a data center monitoring and management system, initially you need to focus on the main problem - the business pain point, where the implementation of DCIM will bring maximum benefit.

2. Indian company Tata Communications.

Specialization: the world's largest provider of telecommunications services.

Task. Eight data centers, each occupying a four-story building with two halls and 200 racks, needed to create a centralized data warehouse for IT equipment. Operating parameters must be constantly monitored and displayed for real-time analysis. In particular, it is important to see the power consumption and power consumption of each rack.

Decision. Deployed Delta InfraSuite Manager as part of the Operation Platform, Asset and PUE Energy modules.

Result. The customer sees power consumption data for all racks and their tenants. Receives customized energy consumption reports. Monitors data center performance in real time.

3. Dutch company Bytesnet.

Specialization: a provider of computing services that provides server hosting and rental services.

Task. The data centers located in the cities of Groningen and Rotterdam needed to implement a power supply infrastructure. Data center-wide PUEs were intended to be used to develop energy efficiency and cost reduction measures.

Decision. Install the Operation Platform and PUE Energy modules of the Delta InfraSuite Manager system and integrate a number of devices from different brands to optimize monitoring.

Result: The staff got the opportunity to observe the operation of the data center equipment. The PUE metrics provided managers with the information they needed to improve efficiency and reduce energy costs. Data on the changing load on the cooling system and other important parameters allowed the company's specialists to ensure the availability of critical applications and equipment.

Modular DCIM solutions make it possible to implement the system in stages. First, the first module of the system is put into operation, for example, to control energy consumption, and then all the other modules in order.

Future for DCIM

DCIM solutions make IT infrastructure transparent. Together with power monitoring, this makes it possible to minimize data center downtime, which is costly for businesses. For centers nearing their limits, installing DCIM helps increase the value of existing infrastructure and delay new financial injections.

By analyzing the state of the operating environment, the available capacity and the possibility of increasing it, companies begin to plan their capabilities, operating with accurate data. This helps to avoid financial risks in the form of unjustified investments.

Source: habr.com

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