“Denuvo is a cancerous tumor”: players bombarded DOOM Eternal with negative reviews due to anti-cheat

Last week, id Software added to the shooter DOOM Eternal Denuvo anti-cheat to rid Battlemode multiplayer of scammers using banned software. After that, the players began to massively to complain on sorties and the inability to quietly have fun in a single player campaign. And now dissatisfied customers have moved to more active actions - they threw DOOM Eternal on Steam with negative reviews.

“Denuvo is a cancerous tumor”: players bombarded DOOM Eternal with negative reviews due to anti-cheat

Over the past 30 days, the id Software project has received 10485 reviews on the Valve site, of which only 50% are positive. If you look at the graph of the latest reviews, you can see that the predominant number of negative comments was left by the players from May 15 to May 18. During this period, DOOM Eternal received 4482 "do not recommend" reviews. Here's what individual users have to say:

Pontus Frykter: "DENUVO is the cancer of video games."

Lord Tommy: "I need DOOM, not spyware."

Colin4tor: "The game is fantastic, but the anti-cheat is unacceptable."

Gwyn Lord of Sunshine and Joy: "Bethesda has shown once again that it can't do anything well."

“Denuvo is a cancerous tumor”: players bombarded DOOM Eternal with negative reviews due to anti-cheat

Users are complaining about technical issues caused by the Denuvo implementation. Moreover, many players who left a negative review noted that they liked DOOM Eternal. This confirms the amount of playing time - the overwhelming majority of dissatisfied fans spent over 20 hours in the project. According to some fans, the new DOOM was confidently striding "to the title of shooter of the year", but the Denuvo anti-cheat ruined everything.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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