Derek Yu showed new screenshots of Spelunky 2 and told how development is progressing

The creator of the successful XNUMXD platformer Spelunky, Derek Yu, shared in PlayStation Blog new screenshots and details of the second part. It still doesn't even have an approximate release date, but the game designer assured that development is progressing well.

Derek Yu showed new screenshots of Spelunky 2 and told how development is progressing

Spelunky 2 was announced in October 2017 during the Paris Games Week event. The last time the authors talked about it was quite a long time ago, but, according to Derek, they were so busy with work that they did not notice how time was passing. The game showed “steady progress” every day.

The creators call one of the main tasks to improve the visual component. Feedback from fans about the trailer helped them make the graphics nicer and more detailed. “I think we hit the right balance: the image is clear, the elements are easy to distinguish, but at the same time the details stand out to a sufficient degree,” Derek wrote. “Lighting and fluid effects have become more expressive, making the world even more dynamic and alive.”

Derek Yu showed new screenshots of Spelunky 2 and told how development is progressing

Another goal was to make each playthrough feel like a “personal adventure.” “Users created a lot of their own stories when making decisions in the original game, and I think that's still very important,” he said. “We want to continue to support this type of creativity, so we are trying to bring more variety to the game.” The sequel will feature new items that are "carefully crafted and capable of interacting with the world in obvious and subtle ways" and characters like the merchant to help the player. Some familiar NPCs will return.

Derek Yu showed new screenshots of Spelunky 2 and told how development is progressing

Much attention is paid to the musical accompaniment. Eirik Suhrke, who also composed the first game, creates “dynamic, multi-layered” compositions that help immerse oneself in the atmosphere of the game. Each location will have its own musical theme, but that's not all: its own set of sound effects is being prepared for each creature, object, trap and surface. “Landing on the grass in the jungle doesn't sound the same as if you jump on a conveyor belt in a volcanic level,” Derek explained. “This innovation may not seem like a big deal, but it actually brings something unique to every area of ​​the game.”

Derek Yu showed new screenshots of Spelunky 2 and told how development is progressing

In addition, the authors will try to make the Deathmatch mode as interesting as Adventure Mode, and will improve the menu and journal. Derek noted that the sequel will embody the ideas that he had many years ago.

The developers are not ready to give a release date, but the team is getting “closer and closer” to this event. Spelunky 2 will first be released on PC and PlayStation 4, and then appear on other platforms.

The original Spelunky was released as a free-to-play game in 2008. In 2012, its improved version became available on Xbox 360, in 2013 - on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, and in 2014 - on PlayStation 4. The platform received high marks from the press (rating on Metacritic - 83–90 points out of 100) and turned out to be commercially successful (sales exceeded a million copies in 2016).


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