Nine out of ten Russian companies have faced cyber threats from outside

Security solutions provider ESET published the results of a study that examined the security situation of the IT infrastructure of Russian companies.

It turned out that nine out of ten companies on the Russian market, that is, 90%, faced external cyber threats. About half - 47% - of companies were affected by various types of malware, and more than a third (35%) encountered ransomware. Many respondents noted that viruses, Trojans and other malware often got onto devices through the fault of employees.

Nine out of ten Russian companies have faced cyber threats from outside

The study also found that every second Russian company (about 50%) faced internal threats. In addition, 7% of respondents reported that employees lost corporate smartphones, tablets or laptops containing confidential information.

Nine out of ten Russian companies have faced cyber threats from outside

Every fifth company in Russia suffered from accidental data leaks. One of the reasons is insufficient awareness of employees about security rules when working with confidential information.

To ensure security, 90% of companies use antivirus solutions. Approximately 45% control work with external drives, 26% implement financial transaction protection systems, and 28% combat DDoS attacks. 


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