DFC Intelligence: PlayStation 5 will surpass Xbox Series X in sales twice

Analyst firm DFC Intelligence has released an updated sales forecast for next-generation consoles. According to him, until 2024, the PlayStation 5 will sell twice as well as the Xbox Series X.

DFC Intelligence: PlayStation 5 will surpass Xbox Series X in sales twice

It has become clear in recent months that Sony and Microsoft are pursuing two very different strategies in the video game industry, DFC Intelligence said. The likely outcome is that the PlayStation 5 should vastly outsell the Xbox Series X in sales. However, Microsoft may have a long-term "winning plan". According to the latest forecasts, the PlayStation 5 will outsell the Xbox Series X by 2x and become the third Sony console to sell more than 100 million game systems.

DFC Intelligence: PlayStation 5 will surpass Xbox Series X in sales twice

Microsoft is trying its best with the Xbox Series X, but the past few months have shown that the corporation is too far away from Sony. Most consumers still prefer the PlayStation. A big part of this is that the Xbox brand is only strong in the English-speaking markets, and very under-represented in Japan and much of Europe. PlayStation, on the contrary, is widely known and has a positive reputation around the world.

But the forecast does not prophesy the death of the Xbox. As already mentioned, Microsoft can rely on a long-term strategy, since the video game audience is not limited to consoles. The corporation is betting on services and games that will be available not only on the Xbox Series X, but on PC and mobile devices.


Source: 3dnews.ru

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