Half-Life: Alyx created a mod that turned it into a first-person shooter without VR

Modder Konqithekonqueror redid Half-Life: Alyx into a first-person shooter that doesn't require a VR headset. He announced this on YouTube by posting a video demonstrating the gameplay. Modification can download from Github.

Half-Life: Alyx created a mod that turned it into a first-person shooter without VR

Konqithekonqueror used weapon models and animations from Half-Life 2. The plot and levels are fully consistent with Half-Life: Alyx. The developer also noted that the mod needs to be finalized and urged users not to evaluate the novelty from Valve based on the results of using his work.

Half-Life: Alyx is a shooter game from Valve designed to be played using virtual reality helmets. Project got positive ratings from gaming publications and scored 93 points on Metacritic.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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