Didn't have to wait long - Half-Life: Alyx has already launched without a VR headset

Blogger and Valve News Network contributor Tyler McVicker as part of yesterday's live streaming on twitch showed that Half-Life: Alyx can be run without a VR headset.

Didn't have to wait long - Half-Life: Alyx has already launched without a VR headset

In order to realize his plan, McVicker did not even need to install any modifications - just a few commands in the developer console were enough.

As it turned out, partial support for the standard mode is already built into Half-Life: Alyx - Macweaver experienced problems with jumping in the game, but opening doors and some other actions could be assigned to keyboard buttons.

Also in Half-Life: Alyx, the command β€œvr_enable_fake_vr_test” (β€œActivate fictitious VR testing”) remained, upon initiation of which the hands of the main character are displayed on the screen.

Passing Half-Life: Alyx in this mode does not seem real - the player's possibilities without a VR headset are too limited - however, the find will surely give impetus to the creation of full-fledged modifications.

Recall that just a couple of days ago, Half-Life: Alyx programmer Robin Walker (Robin Walker) expressed confidence that sooner or later enthusiasts will find a way to remove the connection to VR from the game and be disappointed in the result.

Half-Life: Alyx went on sale on March 23 this year for PC (Steam). The VR adventure has already broken the series record for the number of concurrent players - almost 43 thousand against 12 thousand for Half-Life 2.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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