Jakarta EE 8 is available, the first release since Java EE was handed over to the Eclipse project

Eclipse Community presented platform Jakarta EE 8, which replaced Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition) after transferring the development of specifications, TCK and reference implementation into the hands of the non-profit organization Eclipse Foundation. Jakarta EE 8 offers the same set of TCK specifications and tests as Java EE 8. The only difference is the name change and the transition to new specification development processes. The platform was released under a new name as Oracle transferred only the technology and project management, but did not transfer the rights to use the Java trademark to the Eclipse community. The overall Jakarta EE development project was named EE4J (Eclipse Enterprise for Java).

The release signals the completion of the infrastructure and processes to develop the enterprise Java server platform specifications in a vendor-neutral venue that allows for transparent and open decision-making, development, and certification processes. To certify products that are compatible with Jakarta EE, TCK (Technology Compatibility Kits) are offered under the Eclipse TCK license.

Jakarta EE 8 is the starting point for new specifications to be developed by various vendors. Of the plans to further expand the specifications, the development of business application development tools for cloud computing is mentioned (Cloud native). The changes prepared during the joint work will be proposed as part of the next release of Jakarta EE 9, the main innovations of which will be the Jakarta NoSQL specification and namespace changes.

Jakarta NoSQL will define standard high-level interfaces for Java applications to interact with NoSQL databases, which is a significant step in preparing the Java platform for the Cloud Native paradigm. The framework will be used as a reference implementation of Jakarta NoSQL JNoSQL. The namespace change is due to the inability to use the names java and javax in the new Jakarta EE functionality, so is planned transition to the new namespace "jakarta.*"

As for decision making, a new process has replaced the JCP (Java Community Process) Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP), which will be used by the Jakarta EE Working Group to develop Jakarta EE. JESP is based on the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process (EFSP) open source specification guidelines adopted by the Eclipse community. Approval of any changes to the Jakarta EE specifications or the formation of a new version will require the consent of an absolute majority of the strategic members of the working group, in addition to any other voting rules defined in the EFSP.

Source: opennet.ru

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