New installation builds of Void Linux are available

New boot builds of the Void Linux distribution have been formed, which is an independent project that does not use the developments of other distributions and is developed using a continuous cycle of software version updates (rolling updates, without separate distribution releases). Past builds were published in 2019. In addition to the appearance of up-to-date boot images based on a more recent cut of the system, updating assemblies does not bring functional changes, and their use only makes sense for new installations (in already installed systems, package updates are delivered as soon as they are ready).

For x86_64, i686, armv6l, armv7l and aarch64 platforms, live images with Enlightenment, Cinnamon, Mate, Xfce, LXDE and LXQt desktops have been prepared, as well as a console build. ARM builds support BeagleBone/BeagleBone Black, Cubieboard 2, Odroid U2/U3, RaspberryPi (ARMv6), RaspberryPi 2, RaspberryPi 3 boards. Builds are available based on Glibc and Musl system libraries. Systems developed in Void are distributed under the BSD license.

The distribution uses the runit system manager to initialize and manage services. For package management, it develops its own xbps package manager and xbps-src package build system. Xbps allows you to install, uninstall, and update applications, detect shared library incompatibilities, and manage dependencies. It is possible to use Musl as a standard library instead of Glibc. LibreSSL is being used instead of OpenSSL, but reverting to OpenSSL is being considered.


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