Dotenv-linter updated to version 2.2.1

An update has been released for dotenv-linter, a useful tool for checking and fixing errors in .env files (Docker environment variable files).

Many programmers try to adhere to the Twelve Factors manifesto when developing software. This approach allows you to avoid a large number of problems associated with the deployment of applications and their further support. One of the principles of this manifesto states that all settings should be stored in environment variables. This allows you to change them for different environments (Staging, QA, Production) without changing the code. .env files are widely used to store variables and their values.

dotenv-linter finds and fixes the most common problems in such files: duplicate names, incorrect delimiters, variables without a value, extra spaces, and so on. A backup copy is created for each file so that changes can be rolled back.

The tool is written in Rust, it is very fast and versatile - it can be connected to any project in any programming language.

Dotenv-linter is part of the β€œAwesome Rust Mentors” and helps novice contributors take the first steps in open source software development.

Project repository:

Article with examples and job description:
