The Joy Economy. Mentoring as a special case. law of three percent

I know that by writing this post, I will not become Paisius of the Holy Mountain. However, I hope there will be at least one reader who, perhaps, will understand what a thrill it is to be a teacher (mentor) in IT. And our country will become a little better. And this reader (who will understand) will become a little happier. Then this text is not written in vain.

I am a part-time teacher. And for a long time. Seven or eight years. And I'm not ashamed.
Current exhaust: more than 20 employed guys with whom I worked face-to-face. I know it's not thick. It could have been more ... The guys do not complain yet (I'm lying, of course they complain, but everything is ok with them). In my defense, I’ll say that there is still an unknown number of “stream” students for whom my subject was useful, but with whom I didn’t work face-to-face and didn’t coach in the future ...

A huge number of times I heard: “you are a freak”, “oh why are you messing around with these students”, “yes, they look into your mouth and you compensate ... well, you compensate for something, in short”, “what did you find in this Katya? Is she your mistress?”, “What did you find in this Vasya? Is he your brother?”, “Is there nothing to do?”, “You have a wife, a daughter and a mortgage!”, “You are a drug addict”, “Do you have a lot of free time?”, “It would be better if you watched the Game of Thrones, otherwise you are completely behind , uncle "... Well, and so on. If I loved creativity Oxxxymeron-a and advised Miron (personally, alas, I don’t know him), then "Where we are not" it could be made up of these phrases and phrases here ... And then it would be a bomb! .. Oh, what a cool repchik it would turn out ...

I'm tired of explaining. It's like I'm making excuses. It's funny even. I am writing this post and the next time they call me a “freak”, I will simply give a link to this opus.

Happy VS cheated. Joy Economy

So, mentoring (they also say “mentoring”, but why if there is a domestic analogue? We will have verbal import substitution) - this is a special case "economy of happiness". And this term is not mine, there are timid academic studies on this topic and even Wikipedia article… In my opinion, “economy of happiness” is an unfortunate term and it is better to say “economy of joy”. Because “happiness” is already beginning to be confused with what I call cheerful (from the English “cheerful”) and, unfortunately, many do not see the difference between happy and cheerful ... It’s about the same as mixing the concepts of “love” and “ sex" in the 60-s. They overlap, but are not identical. But this is a separate issue. My post, my rules. I'll speak "economy of joy"

To be blunt, for the entire era of the existence of the human race, there have always been three economies in all countries and cultures:

  1. economics of needs
  2. pleasure economy
  3. economics of joy.

Yes, there were not always strict boundaries between them. But here if economics of needs и economics of pleasure modern economic theory has analyzed it quite well, then here economics of joy, for some reason called "a new movement of economic thought."

I'm sorry, but a quote from Ecclesiastes:

Sometimes they say something: look, this is news!
And it was already in the centuries that have passed before us.
They do not remember the former - and about what will be, - Those who will be later will not remember him.

Thanks for reading. This was the end of the insidious religious propaganda. No more, I promise.

Comfort, longing, joy

I think the XNUMXth century is to blame. And all sorts of Bolsheviks there, and opponents of the Bolsheviks. And after the Second World War, all the regimes went completely crazy ... For some reason, everyone believed that if we eat delicious food and improve the standard of living, then universal happiness will come. Please note that in this particular paradigm, both hegemons, both the USSR and the USA, walked in one foot. But something like that happiness did not come.

Here are two of my friends. Both have an average salary of more than 600 thousand. (per month). So, with the first I drank and with the second I drank. One lives in hell. The second one is somehow mediocre… I.e. money to the ass - but no joy.

Men have no joy!

Pyramid Abraham Maslow How universal the paradigm of human needs - rare nonsense! I won’t speak for the whole world, but it’s definitely not suitable for a Russian person. The Russians should have their own pyramid... And at the very bottom there should be “pathos from being”. Russians love pathos. No pathos - no life. That's who we are, and it can't be fixed. Give us great goals, good and strong. To some, not the best representatives of our civilization, not necessarily good ones; ... but strong, on a grand scale! .. to uuuh!

That is, we have a foundation - "self-actualization", not a hack. But for Abraham Samuilovich, “self-actualization” is the very top .... That's it. Here is the clue to the “mysterious Russian soul”.

There is such a subtle concept, it is expressed by the word "yearning". Longing is not spleen, not melancholy. This is not despondency and not sadness ... Nah! .. Longing is understandable to those who have the seventh level of Maslow lowered to the very foundation. Here, a person of this breed (not necessarily Russian) will understand what the word “longing” means. Others don't.

How to overcome sadness? Only the blessings generated joy economy. Other means are not known to me.

Actually, this is the best definition of the economy of joy, allowing it to be unambiguously demarcated from the economy of pleasure.

Self-actualization is a human activity that ensures internal satisfaction with the conditions of one's being, gives fullness and meaningfulness to life, and reveals the essence of one's vocation.

Thus, the economy of joy is economic relations that allow a group of people to self-actualize.

Easterlin's law (Easterlin paradox)

There is a wonderful law formulated Richard Easterlin in 1974 in his article “Does economic growth improve the human lot? Some empirical evidence

In English literature, this law is called easterlin paradox. But I, as a person of Russian culture, do not see any paradox ... a completely expected result, simply confirmed by research. Therefore, I propose to translate “Easterlin paradox” into Russian as “Easterlin’s Law”

An increase in absolute, but not relative, income does not lead to an increase in life satisfaction

I translate into understandable boyish: yes, maybe there are people who really want a Bentley (or what car is fashionable now? I'm a lamer.), Because they really are car enthusiasts ... but the vast majority want a Bentley because it's "cool". People want to visit Paris because “to see Paris and die!”, but they are ashamed to go to Ohrid, because it is "pissing Macedonia". And I don’t care that it’s like “Slavic Jerusalem” and that every stone there stinks of history. It's not trendy, so it's not cool. 99% of people don't give a shit about water Bath Doctors as steep as the waters of Karlovy Vary. But they want to go to Karlovy Vary. Because "cool".

It is worth considering that Easterlin was already studying modern society, a society that does not know hunger, plague and harsh wars. In this way economics of needs already given the bare minimum. The pleasure economy does not give life satisfaction. What remains is the economy of joy.

Half-life of Soviet education

Awareness of the importance of the matter is a key moment for the economy of joy.
In the context of the decay of post-post-post-Soviet education (post-Soviet: 1991-2001, post-post-Soviet: 2001-2011, post-post-post-Soviet: 2011-2021), mentoring in IT is incredibly valuable.

How long will the N-post-Soviet entity live? You can write a separate post about this, but here it is briefly: forever. It's like nuclear physics: the decay period is infinite…. Therefore, we should talk about the half-life of our glorious Soviet education. According to my observations, this period is 10 years for Bauman Moscow State Technical University. We will call this the “half-life of Baumanka”.

Thus, by 2001 MSTU sank by 1/2, by 2011 by ¾, by 2021 we will sink by 7/8, by 2031 by 15/16….

Yes, there are other universities. A couple of times I was invited to Moscow State University. There is a different system, and according to my unprofessional estimates, the half-life is 20-25 years. But there are universities with a half-life of 5 years and already now education is at the level of statistical error ....

A Special Case of the Joy Economy: Mentoring

But let's not deviate from the topic and return to mentoring.

If fundamental education, which, in my opinion, is archaically important, still somehow more or less holds on, then with practical knowledge there is a fierce pain. I have already posted “Uneducated youth. The answer of the part-time teacher " about it. I will not repeat.

When you share knowledge yourself, you lose nothing but time. There is only one question: are you willing to spend your time on this? I'm ready. Because it's like donating blood. Sharing knowledge and especially experience is cool. It gives you unshakable confidence that your life has meaning. And the certainty of meaningfulness (remember Maslow's "wrong" pyramid for Russians) is the most important thing. At least for people of my temperament.

law of three percent

Once I asked myself: how many people have a passion for teaching? I started asking and talking. And got a statistical figure: 3%.

The XNUMX percent estimate is purely empirical. There is no evidence or explanation for this phenomenon. I also do not dare to suggest how this figure will change if the sample is changed. For example, instead of IT, take another area. Or leave IT, but test this observation on the Chinese, Americans, Brazilians? Or among all IT-shnikov to take only pythonists?

This law was derived solely on a sample of my environment and any generalizations are at your own peril and risk.

Is it a lot or a little? I think that on the scale of Russia, this is a lot. All the university bureaucracy needs to do is realize that these people's time is precious, free them from stupid unnecessary paperwork, give them a convenient time (morning and / or evening or Saturday for singles) - and profit!

There is no problem to give students relevant and cool knowledge. You just need to look for teachers from the industry. We will get an average of 100 teachers per 3 professionals. Search, search, search! By the way, if you suddenly enter these 3% and IT-shnik - write to me in a personal. We will be friends, cooperate and jointly “self-actualize” (And if you are still from IB, then it’s just great. I’m especially looking for virologists and pentesters)


Everyone must decide for himself how to get the benefits of the "economy of joy." IT mentoring is just one example. Yes, not everyone can. There are people who are simply not predisposed to this… I don’t know how to dance, but there are people who are cool professionals, but cannot teach.

What can I say, find something else: you can donate blood, or regularly donate to charity. Only donate well, so that it would be a pity. So that if you tell your wife, you will get a frying pan on the head. Then it works.

I have another acquaintance who, for the sake of the “joy economy”, programmed various programs for foundations and fundraising. Cool guy. I respect.

Lots of things to do. For example, you can simply systematize information (telegram channels). You can write cool posts on Habré. Collect really cool IT books and present them to your alma mater. Yes, everything can be done. And with very little power. Stop wasting your leisure time on Game of Thrones. Find something useful. And life will take over.

In short, IT guys. Be human. Live easier. I wish you have enough money. And time too. Find your joy economy case. Joy to you!

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Do you believe in the joy economy?

  • No. The world is trash! Better watch Game of Thrones! You are all freaks!

  • Yes. There's something about it. Let's just not start a new religion on it. Everything in moderation

11 users voted. 2 users abstained.


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