Epic "Breathe" music video for the launch of Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra, Riot Games' new trading card game, has officially launched after a period of open beta testing. To mark the occasion, the developers released an epic trailer featuring two of League of Legends' most popular champions: Darius and Zed.

Epic "Breathe" music video for the launch of Legends of Runeterra

Since we're talking about a card game, the trailer doesn't just showcase these two characters. The video is enlivened by the appearance of various characters, as if from a deck of cards, supporting their champions in difficult situations.

The video begins with the hero of Noxus Darius (he was narrated in one of the Tales of Runeterra short films), known for his giant ax and spiky armor, pursues another champion, the shadow ninja Zed, alone onto the battlefield. The latter is surrounded by a small army of ninjas from the Order of the Shadow, whose resistance Darius easily breaks. After this, the pursuit turns into a fight between the heroes.

The battle takes place in a forest clearing. Darius is surrounded by a dozen shadows with Zed's face, but two young heroes come to his aid. These are not League of Legends characters, but cards from Legends of Runeterra. The fight between the heroes breaks out again, and Zed calls on his magic cards from Legends of Runeterra to help.

Epic "Breathe" music video for the launch of Legends of Runeterra

Towards the end of the video, a huge battlefield is shown, on which Zed and Darius are no longer one-on-one as before, but each brings his own army (that is, a deck of cards). The trailer, of course, is done in Riot's usual colorful style, combining 3D and hand-drawn animation, and is pleasant to look at even for those who are not familiar with League of Legends or the characters in this universe.

The background is the composition β€œBreathe” by the American artist Fleurie, or rather its special version, mixed by the Riot music team. Let us remind you: Legends of Runeterra is available both for PC and in versions for mobile devices.

Epic "Breathe" music video for the launch of Legends of Runeterra

Source: 3dnews.ru

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