“If Forza Horizon 4 and American Truck Simulator had a son”: the premiere of the SnowRunner simulator took place

Focus Home Interactive and studio Saber Interactive have released SnowRunner, an off-road driving and extreme trucking simulator. World critics have already familiarized themselves with the game and, on average, have been awarded she scores 82 out of 100 (based on 23 reviews).

“If Forza Horizon 4 and American Truck Simulator had a son”: the premiere of the SnowRunner simulator took place

SnowRunner offers players to complete missions to deliver goods in harsh natural conditions in open locations. There are several trucks available to gamers that can be equipped on an adventure of their choice. In addition, the project supports a joint mode of passage.

“If Forza Horizon 4 and American Truck Simulator had a son”: the premiere of the SnowRunner simulator took place

FingerGuns rated the game 9/10. “Once you figure it out with time and patience, Snowrunner will overwhelm you. Being niche, it won't win any Game of the Year awards, but neither will Train Simulator. If you can convince some friends to join you, that's even better. But even alone, you will get stuck in it and experience absolute joy, ”the review says.

“If Forza Horizon 4 and American Truck Simulator had a son”: the premiere of the SnowRunner simulator took place

God is a Geek rated the game 8/10. "SnowRunner has its issues, but it's a unique brand of truck simulator and the off-road adventure is enough to keep you entertained for hours on end," the review reads.

Edition GamingTrend put the project 80/100 points. “Basically, if Forza Horizon 4 and American Truck Simulator got drunk and slept one day, then I think SnowRunner would be the result. It's a slow-paced game that challenges everywhere and leaves you feeling fresh with a vast array of vehicles, upgrades and locations to explore, and lots of customization options.

“If Forza Horizon 4 and American Truck Simulator had a son”: the premiere of the SnowRunner simulator took place

The lowest score of all was awarded by WellPlayed - 6,5/10 points. "While this is an off-road sim with a good variety of vehicles and excellent terrain physics, the unresponsive steering and monotony detract from the overall experience," the reviewer said.

For other ratings, please visit Opencritic.

SnowRunner is available on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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