These devices can be beaten, stabbed, cursed - the soul will immediately feel better

As a rule, for psychological relief, techniques are used to replace negative emotions with positive ones. Meditation is widely used for this purpose, although watching a good family movie can help.

These devices can be beaten, stabbed, cursed - the soul will immediately feel better

In psychotherapy, there is also a treatment using the catharsis technique, which involves responding to a negative experience. This direction includes "poisoned pen therapy", when the patient writes letters, pouring out in them resentment against persons who, in his opinion, have treated him unfairly, but do not send them.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have created "cathartic objects" that are designed to be hit, pricked and even cursed at.

One of the objects looks like an ordinary black sofa cushion, but it is designed to be hit with sharp objects. After being stabbed, she begins to tremble and continues to tremble until the user removes all of the needles.


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