A fantastic and mysterious world on new screenshots of the future game by the authors of Limbo and Inside

Authors from the Danish studio Playdead, known for Limbo and Inside, hid screenshots of their future project in the category "Vacancies" on the official site. Posting date unknown, but found their fans are just now.

The new images show a sci-fi world, which can be seen from some of the gadgets. Harsh natural landscapes, a huge tunnel with a small shack inside, a canyon and a foggy area with some kind of large mechanism. In many of the screenshots, there is a person - obviously the protagonist.

Former Playdead founder Arnt Jensen saidthat the company's next project will move into 2D space, as XNUMXD imposes its own limitations. Users will control the character with a first-person view, and the locations will have room for research. But in terms of atmosphere, the future game resembles the same Limbo and Inside. Unfortunately, the title, estimated release date, and platforms have yet to be announced.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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