Flatpak 1.15.7: Automatic removal of outdated drivers and other improvements

The new version of Flatpak 1.15.7 brings automatic removal of outdated drivers and improvements to Linux, from the Meson build system to fixes for D-Bus and Wayland.

One of the key features of the new version is the automatic removal of outdated driver versions and other unused links. This feature aims to eliminate clutter that accumulates over time by automatically removing runtimes that have expired and are no longer in use. Thus, when the system is updated, old versions will be automatically deleted, which greatly simplifies system maintenance.

In addition, version 1.15.7 introduced support for the β€œβ€“socket=inherit-wayland-socket” argument, which allows you to inherit the existing Wayland socket environment, as well as automatically reload the D-Bus session configuration when installing or updating applications to ensure recognition of exported services.

Another significant change in Flatpak 1.15.7 is the removal of support for the Autotools build system in favor of Meson. Meson has already proven effective for Flatpak and is now the only build system in use.

Source: linux.org.ru

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