The Apache Foundation is moving away from the mirror system in favor of a CDN

The Apache Software Foundation has announced plans to phase out the mirror system maintained by various organizations and volunteers. To organize the download of Apache project files, it is planned to implement a content delivery system (CDN, Content Delivery Network), which will get rid of problems such as desynchronization of mirrors and delays due to content distribution across mirrors.

It is noted that in modern realities, the use of mirrors does not justify itself - the amount of data transferred through Apache mirrors has grown from 10 to 180 GB, content delivery technologies have gone ahead, and the cost of traffic has decreased. Which CDN network will be used is not reported, it is only mentioned that the choice will be made in favor of a network with professional support and a level of service that meets the needs of the Apache Software Foundation.

It is noteworthy that under the auspices of Apache, its own platform for creating geographically distributed CDN networks Apache Traffic Control is already being developed, which is used in the content delivery networks of Cisco and Comcast. A few days ago, Apache Traffic Control 6.0 was released, which added support for generating and renewing certificates using the ACME protocol, implemented the ability to set locks (CDN Locks), added support for update queues, and added a backend for extracting keys from PostgreSQL.


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