The Apache Foundation turns 21

Non-profit organization Apache Software Foundation celebrates your 21st birthday. Initially, the organization was created to provide legal and financial support to the developers of the Apache http server, but later transformed into a neutral and independent platform for the development of a wide range of open projects that apply the Apache license, general development rules, principles of meritocracy and a common culture of communication .
At the same time, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Apache httpd HTTP server, the 21st anniversary of the Apache OpenOffice office suite, and the 20th anniversary of Apache Jakarta, Subversion, and Tomcat.

The number of projects being developed within Apache has exceeded 350 (of which 45 are in the incubator), covering areas such as machine learning, big data processing, assembly management, cloud systems, content management, DevOps, IoT, mobile application development, server systems and web- frameworks.
Development is overseen by more than 7600 committers. The number of contributors supporting the fund has increased from 21 to 21 over 765 years. The cumulative cost of developing 300 Apache projects from scratch, amounting to more than 200 million lines of code, is estimated at $20 billion when calculated using the COCOMO 2 cost estimation model.


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