Gangster strategy Empire of Sin will not be released in the spring - the release was postponed to autumn

Romero Games Studio in official microblog of its gangster strategy Empire of Sin announced the postponement of the estimated release date of the game from spring of this year to autumn.

Gangster strategy Empire of Sin will not be released in the spring - the release was postponed to autumn

“As any good bootlegger knows, quality alcohol is not something to be rushed into. The same goes for game development, ”Empire of Sin director Brenda Romero gave an apt analogy.

The developers thanked the players for their support and expressed the hope that the community will treat the transfer with understanding, because the delay will only benefit the quality of the project.

Romero Games did not fail: the comments section under the entry about the postponement of the release date was quickly filled with well-meaning users who favorably reacted to the forced change of plans.

Gangster strategy Empire of Sin will not be released in the spring - the release was postponed to autumn

Empire of Sin takes place "in the heart of underworld Chicago in the 1920s, when Prohibition reigned there." The player's task is to build his own criminal empire.

The ascent to the criminal peak begins "in randomly generated conditions", so users will be forced to adapt. Battles take place in turn-based mode.

Empire of Sin is being developed for PC (Steam), PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Romero Games, which is responsible for creating the game, was founded in 2015 by Brenda Romero and her husband, id Software co-founder John Romero.


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