GitHub Launches a Package Registry Compatible with NPM, Docker, Maven, NuGet and RubyGems

GitHub объявил about the launch of a new service Package Registry, within which developers are given the opportunity to publish and distribute packages with applications and libraries. It supports the creation of both private package repositories, available only to certain groups of developers, and public public repositories for the delivery of ready-made assemblies of their programs and libraries.

The presented service allows you to organize a centralized process of delivering dependencies directly from GitHub, bypassing intermediaries and platform-specific package repositories. To install and publish packages using the GitHub Package Registry can be used already existing familiar package managers and commands, such as npm, docker, mvn, nuget and gem - depending on preferences, one of the external package repositories provided by GitHub is connected -,, maven,, or

Currently, the service is in beta testing, within which access is provided free of charge for all types of repositories. After testing is completed, free access will be limited to public and open source repositories only. To speed up the download of packages, a global caching content delivery network is used, which is transparent to users and does not require a separate choice of mirrors.

You use the same account to publish packages as you use to access the code on GitHub. In fact, in addition to the “tags” and “releases” sections, a new “packages” section has been proposed, the work with which fits seamlessly into the current workflow with GitHub. The search service has been extended with a new section for searching packages. The existing code repositories access rights settings are automatically inherited for packages, which allows you to manage access to both code and assemblies in one place. A system of webhooks and APIs is provided to allow integration of external tools with the GitHub Package Registry, as well as reports with download statistics and version history.

GitHub Launches a Package Registry Compatible with NPM, Docker, Maven, NuGet and RubyGems


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