Google Chrome may get an option to display the full URL in the address bar

One of the features of Google Chrome is that the browser does not show the full URL in the address bar, but only part of it. The web browser shows the full version only when you click on the address. This opens up wide opportunities for phishing and other abuse, since attackers can spoof the site address without the user paying attention to it. In some cases, the situation is saved by an indicator indicating the safety of a particular site.

Google Chrome may get an option to display the full URL in the address bar

However, this approach is not suitable for experienced users who want to get an idea of ​​what site they are on. And therefore in the latest version of Chromium 83.0.4090.0 offered an optional flag that adds the ability to display the full address to the Omnibox context menu. This will make it easier to copy part of the address, which can sometimes be useful.

This feature is activated in chrome://flags/#omnibox-context-menu-show-full-urls in the chrome://flags section. After enabling this option, you only need to restart the browser.

It is important to note that the flag itself is available in the early build of Chromium 83 and in Chrome Canary 83, but only works in the first version. This is likely due to the suspension of the release of new builds of Chrome, since many employees were transferred to remote work due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. Therefore, you will have to wait until at least an early version of Chrome is released.

Let us recall that it was previously reported that updated web elements would appear in Chrome in the near future. However, due to problems with coronavirus, they will probably also be postponed.


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