Google Drive mistakenly detects copyright infringements on files with a single number

Emily Dolson, an educator at the University of Michigan, encountered an unusual Google Drive behavior that began blocking access to one of her saved files with a copyright violation message and a warning that she could not request for this type of blocking. manual check. Interestingly, the contents of the locked file consisted of only one digit "1".

Google Drive mistakenly detects copyright infringements on files with a single number

Initially, it was assumed that the blocking could be caused by collisions when calculating hashes, but this hypothesis was rejected, since it was experimentally revealed that the blocking works not only on β€œ1”, but also on many other digits, regardless of the presence of a newline character and name file. For example, when creating files with numbers from -1000 to 1000, the blocking was applied to the numbers 0, 500, 174, 833, 285, 302, 186, 451, 336, and 173. The blocking is not performed immediately, but approximately one hour after file placement. Google representatives said they are trying to understand the causes of the failure and are working to fix the problem.


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