Google intends to bring accounts of users from the UK under US laws

Google plans to remove the accounts of its British users from the control of EU privacy regulators, placing them under US jurisdiction. This is reported by Reuters news agency, citing its own sources.

Google intends to bring accounts of users from the UK under US laws

The report says that Google wants to force users to accept the new conditions because of the UK's exit from the European Union. This will make sensitive user data of tens of millions of people less secure and less accessible to law enforcement. However, it remains unclear whether or not the UK will continue to follow the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) after leaving the EU.

Ireland, home to US tech companies like Google, is part of the European Union and has some of the world's most aggressive privacy regulations. If Google decides to remove UK user data from Irish jurisdiction, it will be governed by US law. This approach will allow UK authorities and law enforcement to gain access to user data, as US privacy laws are much more relaxed than European ones.

Google has one of the largest user databases at its disposal, which is used by the company to adapt services and earn money from advertising. Representatives of Google so far refuse official comments on this issue. In the coming months, other US technology companies will have to make similar choices regarding further regulation of sensitive user data.


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