Google Rescinds Proposed Chrome 80 Tightening of Third-Party Cookie Handling

Google company announced about reversing the change related to the transition to stricter restrictions on the transmission of cookies between sites that do not use HTTPS. Since February, this change has been gradually brought to users Chrome 80. It is noted that despite the fact that most sites have been adapted to this restriction, due to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, Google has decided to postpone the implementation of new restrictions that could potentially affect the stability of sites that provide key services. such as banking services, online products, government services and medical services.

The restrictions applied prevented non-HTTPS requests from processing third-party cookies that were set when accessing sites other than the domain of the current page. Such cookies are used to track user movements between sites in the code of advertising networks, social network widgets and web analytics systems. Recall that Cookie transmission is controlled by the SameSite attribute specified in the Set-Cookie header, which has started to be set to "SameSite=Lax" by default, restricting Cookie sending for cross-site subrequests, such as requesting an image or downloading content via an iframe from another site.


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