Google Play "got rid" of the coronavirus

Google, like other IT giants, is taking all possible measures to combat the spread of panic and incorrect information about the coronavirus. Earlier in January, Google announced manual moderation of search results for queries related to COVID-19. Now certain measures have been taken in the catalog Play Store.

Google Play "got rid" of the coronavirus

Now, if you try to search for apps or games on Google Play for "coronavirus" or "COVID-19", the results will be empty. Also, the search does not work if you add others to these words, for example, “map” or “tracker”. However, this does not apply to the Russian-language query “coronavirus” and “COVID19” (without the hyphen).

Apparently, Google also wants to introduce moderated search results, or the company is simply trying to keep the traffic growing for these queries from potentially harmful applications.

Google Play "got rid" of the coronavirus

Recall, for the same reason, on March 3, the “corporation of goodness” announced the cancellation of their Google I/O 2020 presentation, scheduled for March 12-14. However, all announcements will be made as part of a live video stream on YouTube.


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