Google will help you find the nearest COVID-19 testing center, but so far only in the US

Google said that now, in response to requests related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the results page will now display, among other things, information about more than 2000 coronavirus testing centers in 43 US states (on when the same services will be rolled out in other regions, not yet reported).

Google will help you find the nearest COVID-19 testing center, but so far only in the US

There are other changes as well. When searching for something related to COVID-19, the user will now see a new "Testing" tab (there is no such tab in Russia). Clicking on it will display a number of U.S. resources related to COVID-19 testing at the top of the search results. This is an online COVID-19 symptom screening program from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC); an offer to talk to a healthcare professional if needed; a link to information on COVID-19 testing from local health authorities, with a note that you may have to call the testing center to make sure that you can actually get the procedure.

The Testing tab also displays information about specific testing centers, except for states such as Connecticut, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Oregon, or Pennsylvania. This is because Google only displays data from test sites that have been approved for publication by health authorities. For the same reason, Google lists only one testing center in Albany for the entire state of New York, but the company plans to add more locations for New York soon.

Google will help you find the nearest COVID-19 testing center, but so far only in the US

The criteria and availability of testing for COVID-19 depends on where the user lives, so Google is modifying the data output based on the location of users in the United States. According to a Google support document, she gets her testing information from government agencies, public health departments, or directly from healthcare providers.

Google launched a dedicated COVID-21 page on March 19 with statistics, information about the disease, and resources about the pandemic. Sister company Google Verily is also offering free COVID-19 tests to people in parts of California, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania if they are deemed in need of testing online.

Google will help you find the nearest COVID-19 testing center, but so far only in the US


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