Google allocated a million dollars to improve portability between C++ and Rust

Google has awarded the Rust Foundation a $1 million targeted grant to fund efforts to improve how Rust code interacts with C++ codebases. The grant is seen as an investment that will expand the use of Rust across various components of the Android platform in the future.

It is noted that as tools for portability between C++ and Rust, such as cxx, autocxx, bindgen, cbindgen, diplomat and crubit, are developed, barriers are being lowered and adoption of the Rust language is accelerating. Despite the fact that the improvement of such tools continues, it is often aimed at solving the problems of some individual projects or companies. The goal of the grant is to accelerate the adoption of Rust, not only at Google, but throughout the industry.

The Rust Foundation, founded in 2021 with the participation of AWS, Huawei, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla, oversees the Rust language ecosystem, supports key maintainers involved in development and decision-making, and is also responsible for organizing funding for the project. With the funds received, the Rust Foundation intends to hire one or more developers who will work full-time on initiatives to improve portability between Rust and C++. It is also possible to allocate resources to speed up the development of existing projects related to ensuring code portability.


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