Habr adyos

Almost 8 years have passed since I came to Habr.
At first, I just read, then commented, earned positive karma from comments, and at the beginning of this year I received a full account as a gift. I wrote a couple of articles and they also added to my karma. It was an incentive to write, participate and develop an adequate community.

In these 8 years I have seen almost everything. And I saw how the hub itself changed.
This morning I had karma 17, now -6.
Am I rude in the comments?
Did you get personal?
Or maybe he published articles with incorrect information?
Or translations crookedly translated by Google translate and published without proofreading?
No. I just expressed my opinion in a comment (in the correct form).

And what happened was what I saw on the example of others - how karma is drained out of revenge and / or simple disagreement with the opinion of another. How they walk on old comments and minus.
If you do not agree with the opinion of another, discuss in the comments, do not like the article, put a minus to the article and write in a personal and comment why you do not agree, but it all comes down to draining karma.

I no longer want to post anything.

This is not a whining post – “Ahh! I got karma!"
I am writing this for two reasons:
In recent years, I have enjoyed reading articles on various topics.
Thanks guys for the articles!
- Recently there have been several threads from TM, with kilometer-long discussions, “how to do it better?”, including about karma. I myself suggested several options. There are many dissatisfied with what is happening with karma, this post is for them. If you remain silent, nothing will change!

8 years have passed ... habr has changed ... I have changed ...
An era is over, another has begun.
Thank you habr, at one time you helped me become a good programmer, then you developed me with articles on chemistry, physics and much more.
Adyos Habr!

Source: www.habr.com

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