Habr-analysis: what users order as a gift from Habr

Habr-analysis: what users order as a gift from Habr Did you notice that it's already December on the calendar? You are probably almost ready for the celebration, bought gifts, participated in Habra-ADM and stocked up on tangerines. Naturally, every Habra-user wants not only to give, but also to receive something for the new year. And since each of us is quite picky, we often order gifts for ourselves.

Including we order gifts from Habr. And a whole year without interruptions. Let's see what we have ordered this year and what we have already received. And what else can we get.

So, the most complete list of what users asked from Habr for this year. Let's start!


This year was notable for the almost monthly AMA with Habr. And, of course, instead of the usual asking questions about something, about everything and nothing, the Habr community used the opportunity to ask for something of their own. In addition, there were several posts announcing changes to the site that suffered a similar fate.

There are 15 such posts in total (their full list is under the spoiler), and there are 3 comments on them. Someone must have read them all. Why not me?

List of posts in reverse order2019.11.29 - AMA with Habr, #14: minus reform and closing of TMFeed;
2019.10.25 - AMA with Habr, #13: important news for users and companies;
2019.09.27 - AMA with Habr, #12. Crumpled issue;
2019.07.26 - AMA with Habr v.1011;
2019.06.28 - AMA with Habr v.10. Latest* issue;
2019.05.21 - AMA with Habr v.9.0. Podcast, conference and concepts;
2019.04.26 - AMA with Habr v.8.0. Onboarding, news for everyone, PWA;
2019.03.29 - AMA with Habr, v 7.0. Lemon, donations and news;
2019.03.21 - Reporting typos in publications;
2019.02.27 - User reward to the authors of Habr;
2019.02.22 - AMA with Habr (Direct line with TM, v 6.0);
2019.02.26 - Important message about invites in the profile;
2019.01.25 - Direct line with TM. v5.0. Important poll inside;
2019.01.24 - Loosening the Screws, Part 2: Posting Vote Deadline and Other Changes;
2019.01.22 - We loosen the nuts in the rules of Habr;

Short statistics

A total of 114 wishes were identified, which can be divided into 7 categories: feed (15), posts (24), comments (13), mobile version (12), tracker (4), voting (14) and other (32). Of these 114 wishes:

8h fulfilled (✓);
9h rejected (☓);
12h not currently planned;
10h partially implemented or are in the process of implementation;
3h were "recorded" by the administration;
72h left with an unknown status.

Habr-analysis: what users order as a gift from Habr

Rice. 1. Desires of Habr users

Details (to Fig. 1)Tab. S1. Desires of Habr users

Category Total (🇧🇷) (☓) Not planned Partially / in progress Recorded Status unknown
Tape 15 1 0 5 0 0 9
Posts 24 1 1 4 2 0 16
Comments 13 1 0 1 1 1 9
Mobile version 12 2 0 1 1 0 8
Tracker 4 1 0 0 1 0 2
Vote 14 1 4 1 1 2 5
Other 32 1 4 0 4 0 23
Total 114 8 9 12 10 3 72


01. Ribbon

Global sort
01 - Include weekends in Monday's "Best of the day";
✓ - Separate news from posts;
02 - Separate posts about events / conferences / meetups;

Personal sorting
03 - Best posts for a specific date / period;
04 - Personal recommendations / smart tape;
05 - Ability to hide read posts;

Blacklists (Status: Not planned)
06 - Translations;
07 - Author's posts;
08 - Company posts;
09 - Posts from hubs;
10 - Sandbox;

Administration position

Blacklisting functionality is not yet planned.

Boomburum from 27.09.2019

11 - "Load more" button for news on the main page (without the need to go to the news page);
12 - Small KDPV news;
13 - Show articles with a big minus paler (similar to comments with minuses);
14 - Optimization of voting for screen readers (description);

02. Posts

Publishing and editing
01 - New editor; (Status: In Progress)
02 - Keep Markdown selection when writing new articles;
03 - Epigraph tag;
04 - Centering the text;
05 - Unicode in text;
06 - Display the number of hub subscribers when selecting them for publication;
07 - Notification "The article did not pass moderation" and transfer to drafts (not deletion) for the sandbox;

08 - Cross-links Ru/En;
09 - Badge for cross-posts (as for translations);
10 - Show content behind the link (similar to Wikipedia);
11 - Built-in functionality for a series of articles;
12 - Syntax highlighting Powershell;
13 - Warning about the number and size of images under the spoiler / after <cut/>;

Reading and errors
14 - Fight against click-bait headers; (Status: Partial)

life hackThe user can complain about each post (button with an exclamation point in the same footer as the vote for the rating of the post) and indicate the reason for the complaint title
✓ — Reporting errors to the author;
15 - Simplify error reporting (not through a separate message in dialogs);
16 - Shortcut for quoting a piece of the post (as for errors);

Co-Editing (Status: Not planned)
17 - Joint editing of articles;
18 - Collective translation of articles;
19 - Git articles;

Last comment

We have this task in the backlog (it was proposed in the 4th direct line), but since then it has not yet been included in the development plan 🙁

As an option (which I use myself) - prepare a draft publication in GoogleDocs, which is much more convenient for teamwork. And then publish the article through the converter. Something like this.

Boomburum from 12.03.2019

Ordering posts and organization
20 - Requests for articles;
21 - Translation requests;
☓ - Posts-answers;
22 - Reviews of posts; (Status: Not planned)


Publishing and editing
✓ - Increased editing time;
01 - Delete comments;
02 - In the window for adding a comment, add a link to hsto.org;
03 - Counter "can be commented through" for negative karma;
04 - Separate rules for commenting on near-political posts (more strict);
05 - Separate rules for commenting on your posts for downvotes (less strict);

06 - Sort by rating; (Status: Not planned)
07 - Sort by time;
08 - Collapsing comment threads; (Status: Partial / In Progress)

CommentThe function partially works in the mobile version of Habr
09 - Comments on pre-moderation are poorly highlighted;
10 - Show comment levels not only on hover;
11 - Auto-update comments with the status "added";
12 - Notes about the user when hovering over the nickname; (Status: Recorded)

04. Mobile version

01 - Tracker;
02 - Sandbox;
03 - Editing posts / drafts;
04 - Editing comments;
05 - Pre-moderation of comments Read&Comment;
✓ - Go to previous / next comment;
06 - Error message in the publication; (Status: Not planned)

Administration position

Until we do this on the mobile version. We want to see how it goes on the desktop.

One of the solutions, when selecting text on a mobile phone, is to show an icon, such as the extensions of all translators have done.

de_arnst from 22.02.2019

07 - TeX formulas; (Status: Partial)
08 - Ability to immediately go to the comments to the news;
09 - Editing panel for comments;
10 - Markdown;
✓ - Dialogues;

05. Tracker

01 - Notifications about replies to your comments;
✓ — Do not show in the subscription tracker the one to whom it is subscribed;
02 - Notification about the mention of your article (as with @username);
03 - Comments from Read&Comment; (Status: In Progress)

06. Voting

✓ — Voting period;
01 - Cancel voice; (Status: Recorded)
02 - Cancellation of the voice with a time limit; (Status: Recorded)
☓ - Do not show rating before voting;

Administration position

As for the rating of publications - it used to be hidden, we opened it and users asked to leave it that way 🙂

Boomburum from 27.09.2019

03 - Mandatory reason for voting; (Status: Partial / In Progress)
04 - Multiple choice of the reason for the minus;
05 - New reasons for minuses for posts;

06 - Non-anonymous voting;
☓ - Voting for comments / posts Read&Comment;

Administration position

Of course not, otherwise what will be their difference from full accounts?

Boomburum from 22.01.2019

07 - Allow to put a minus only with karma 10+;
08 - Paid voting, if the karma is negative;
☓ - Combining karma / rating;

Administration position

… we do not plan to merge - these are two indicators that exist independently of each other. Rating is a dynamic indicator that depends on the user's activity on the site (and it decreases in case of inactivity), while karma is a kind of abstract indicator of usefulness/adequacy of users, formed by other active members of the site.

Boomburum from 22.02.2019

☓ — Automatic zeroing of negative karma (+1 per day);

Administration position

Someone does not pay attention to negative karma, someone - if it interferes, can reset it at any time (though only once). The rest is a complication of mechanics 🙂

Boomburum from 12.03.2019

09 - Carmageddon; (Status: Not planned)

07. Other

01 - Advanced search;
02 - Bookmarks;
03 - Comments;
04 - Sandbox;
05 - Translations; (Status: Partial / In Progress)

CommentSearch by author name works
PPA and donat
06 - PPA for the English-speaking Habr; (Status: In Progress)
07 - New PPA methods; (Status: In Progress)
08 - New donation methods; (Status: In Progress)
09 - Donate button in the user profile;
10 - Donations through Habra-account;
11 — Donations from PPA balance;

12 - Improved Habr documentation;
13 - MP4, SVG on hsto.org;
14 - Customizable hotkeys;
15 - Dark theme;
16 - Smart link parser inside Habr;
17 - Increase the number of items in RSS;
18 - Sorting bookmarks;
19 - Infinite list of bookmarks;
20 - Export articles from bookmarks;
21 - Auto-replacement of internal links from mobile to desktop version;
22 - Ability to collapse the spoiler at the end, not only at the beginning;
✓ — Confirmation of the action when issuing an invite;
☓ — Hide the login of the person who issued the invite;

Administration position

Information about the "parent" is quite important, we will not hide it.

Boomburum from 22.02.2019

☓ - When deleting users and their articles, do not delete comments from other users;

Administration position

In principle, there was already an argument about additional difficulties for moderators, and also a colleague answered about rights. But I’ll touch on one more aspect: “Sometimes it happens that a user has been deleted, and with it his articles” - I haven’t seen cases of deleting users for a long time (if we are talking directly about the user-author, and not about some Cossack-robber with rights read&comment ignoring resource rules). If something disappears, then the material is hidden in drafts - often by the decision of the author himself, sometimes - by the decision of the moderator (which means there were reasons for this, for example, violation of the rules) or the regulator. Iii supposedly there was something very useful in the comments to these articles ...? ) It seems to me that the situation, if not far-fetched, is sooooo rare. And for the sake of it, it hardly makes sense to complicate the mechanism of the site. In other words, you can spend a lot of time on the implementation of the Wishlist, but there will be no profit from it.

Boomburum from 03.07.2019

☓ - A separate domain for the sandbox;
Administration position

What about the meaning? 🙂

Boomburum from 12.03.2019

☓ — Mobile application;

Administration position

As mentioned above, we no longer support the mobile application.

Boomburum from 02.12.2019

23 - Order of messages in dialogs, description;
24 - Not everything is translated into the En version of the site, description;

Communication with the administration of Habr
25 - Release notes from Habr;
26 - Section with ideas for improving Habr and voting;
27 - Feedback similar to dialogs (see the status of receipt and answers);

Instead of a conclusion

Of course, not all the suggestions and wishes of users were commented on by the administration, but some were immediately implemented. Some of them have not received answers from other users, and some have too many answers.

Some of these wishes have been on Habré for many years and will never be fulfilled, and some have appeared quite recently. But now, during World Listing Month, it's time to compile this one.

I know I may have missed something or not noticed, and besides, I only studied 15 main posts. This applies to both wishes and their fulfillment. So I'm happy to add or correct it as soon as I get more information.

I hope you have found your desire in this list. There is a chance that it will come true very soon. Thank you for your attention!

PS If you find any typos or errors in the text, please let me know. This can be done by selecting a part of the text and clicking "Ctrl / ⌘ + Enter"if you have Ctrl / ⌘, either via private messages. If both options are not available, write about the errors in the comments. Thank you!

P.P.S You may also be interested in my other studies of Habr.

Other publications2019.11.24 — Habra-detective at the weekend
2019.12.04 — Habra detective and festive mood

Source: habr.com

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