Hans Reiser commented on deprecating ReiserFS

The mailing list of Linux kernel developers published letters received by one of the developers during correspondence with Hans Reiser, who in 2008 was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife as a result of a quarrel with a subsequent attempt to cover up the crime (in 2027 Hans will be able to file application for parole). In the published letters, Hans regrets his mistakes in interacting with the developer community, discusses the deprecation of ReiserFS v3 in the Linux kernel 6.6, analyzes the history of the development of ReiserFS, mentions hopes associated with the promotion of ReiserFS v4, and explains the technical solutions implemented in ReiserFS v4.

Commenting on the decision to remove ReiserFS from the kernel, Hans mentioned that the question of whether this FS remains useful and whether it should continue to be supplied in the kernel should be decided by users and maintainers, taking into account current realities. He understands that having ReiserFS code in the kernel creates additional burden on maintainers due to the need to test and ensure compatibility with new features emerging in the kernel, and if the FS is no longer relevant, there is no point in continuing to ship it as part of the kernel. During the development of ReiserFS 4, many of the shortcomings of ReiserFS 3 were taken into account and maintenance was simplified, but this version was never accepted into the kernel.

According to Hans, his only request is to add to the README file accompanying the ReiserFS code, before the ReiserFS code is removed from the kernel, mentions of Mikhail Gilulu, Konstantin Shvachko and Anatoly Pinchuk, whose contributions to the development remained undeservedly missed. They were hired by Hans and developed ReiserFS, but due to Hans’ unrestrained character and excessive demands (Hans could work around the clock and expected similar enthusiasm from others) they left the project, which at that time was perceived by Hans as a betrayal, but over time he realized that their decision was justified under the circumstances.

Source: opennet.ru

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