Heavy metal band Iron Maiden sues 3D Realms over shooter Ion Maiden

British heavy metal band Iron Maiden has filed a lawsuit against Ion Maiden shooter publisher 3D Realms, according to The Daily Beast. As you might guess, the main complaint is the consonant name of the game.

Heavy metal band Iron Maiden sues 3D Realms over shooter Ion Maiden

The lawsuit alleges that the name of the defendant's game, Ion Maiden, is almost identical to Iron Maiden in appearance, sound, and overall commercial impression. It is characterized by the heavy metal band's holding company as an "incredibly egregious" trademark infringement and a "virtually identical imitation", leading to consumer confusion. Iron Maiden is asking 3D Realms for $2 million.

Heavy metal band Iron Maiden sues 3D Realms over shooter Ion Maiden

Another claim is that, according to the plaintiff, the name of Ion Maiden protagonist Shelley Harrison is a copy of the name of Steve Harris, one of the founders of Iron Maiden. And the shooter itself looks and feels like a role-playing game Legacy of the Beast for smartphones, released group in 2016. In addition to $2 million in damages, the plaintiff is also seeking 3D Realms to stop using the name and transfer ownership of the URL. ionmaiden.com.

Heavy metal band Iron Maiden sues 3D Realms over shooter Ion Maiden

Ion Maiden was developed by Voidpoint. A game came out on PC in Early Access February 28, 2018. A full release is also underway for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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