Hidetaka Miyazaki names Bloodborne as his favorite FromSoftware game

If you're having a hard time picking your favorite Hidetaka Miyazaki game, you're not alone. The director himself was asked to name his favorite project, and although he said that he loved all his games, in the end he still preferred Bloodborne.

Hidetaka Miyazaki names Bloodborne as his favorite FromSoftware game

Speaking to GameSpot Brazil, Hidetaka Miyazaki said that Bloodborne is his favorite game, despite the fact that more could be done with Chalice Dungeons and Fresh Blood Gems. When asked about the chosen boss, the director named the Old Monk from Demon's Souls.

β€œIt was an unfamiliar system at the time, so I received criticism and warnings,” Miyazaki said, but the battle was well received by fans. However, the battle with the Old Monk went into oblivion along with the Demons' Souls servers.

Hidetaka Miyazaki names Bloodborne as his favorite FromSoftware game

Regarding the continuation of Bloodborne, Miyazaki added that he is not "the one who makes the decision". Like Demon's Souls before it, Bloodborne was developed by FromSoftware but published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It is she who owns the rights to the Bloodborne franchise.

Bloodborne sold well and even outperformed Sony Interactive Entertainment's expectations considering it's a new intellectual property project. By September 2015, the game had sold over 2 million copies worldwide.

After graduation Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Hidetaka Miyazaki and FromSoftware have started work over Elden Ring, whose mythology was written by the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R.R. Martin. The game will be released by Bandai Namco Entertainment on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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