Huawei and China Mobile launch next-generation shopping mall with robots, AI and 5G services

Despite the unprecedented pressure exerted on the Chinese Huawei, the company continues to report on new achievements - including within the framework of 5G technology, which is of particular concern to the US government. On the eve of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Huawei, together with the China Real Estate Professionals Association and China Mobile, opened the world's first five-star Shanghai Lujiazui L+ Mall based on 5G technology, including 5G Digital Indoor System (DIS) .

The 5-star rating means that L+ Mall will not only provide the highest quality and innovative experiences in the shopping experience and in terms of customer experience and registered stores through 5G networks, but will also be a milestone in the integrated development of the communication and real estate sectors.

Huawei and China Mobile launch next-generation shopping mall with robots, AI and 5G services

L+ Mall is a 12-storey multi-profile shopping complex with a total area of ​​more than 140 square meters. Huawei and China Mobile launched a 5G DIS system in the life aesthetics areas on the first and fifth floors of the mall. During the opening ceremony, customers could use 5G data services at speeds above 1 Gbps and make HD video calls using their mobile phones.

Service efficiency in the mall is also being enhanced by innovations such as shopping assistance, delivery and store navigation through smart robots (also powered by 5G). In addition, 5G+AI-based facial recognition, 5G+5K HD video, indoor precision navigation, and people flow analysis are available in 8G shopping areas. This allows the shopping center to individually approach each client and provide the highest level of service.

Huawei and China Mobile launch next-generation shopping mall with robots, AI and 5G services

China Mobile spokesman Zhang Hanliang noted that 5G networks have been deployed in an experimental mode in cooperation with Huawei. 5G will enable better mobile services, services such as high-definition video streaming, augmented reality and virtual reality gaming, and generally accelerate the digital transformation of the entire industry.

“5G technology is rapidly becoming part of our lives. At the beginning of this year, we started building a railway station. stations based on 5G together with China Mobile. Today we witnessed the launch of 5G networks in the Lujiazui L+ Mall, as well as a demonstration of the operation of 5G mobile phones and robots in the shopping center. However, the rapid development of indoor 5G networks requires the cooperation of many parties. I am very pleased that the China Real Estate Professionals Association can add cellular communication modules to the evaluation criteria in the real estate sector. Together with other industry partners, we will be able to accelerate the development of the indoor digital ecosystem,” said Ritchie Peng, president of Huawei DIS.

Huawei and China Mobile launch next-generation shopping mall with robots, AI and 5G services


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