Serious Sam Classic game engine updated for Linux

The game engine Serious Sam Classic 1.10 (mirror) has been published, allowing you to run the first and second parts of the first-person shooter Serious Sam on modern systems. The original Serious Engine code was open-sourced by Croteam under the GPL in 2016 to celebrate the game's 16th anniversary. At launch, you can use game resources from the original game. Of the changes, there is support for screen modes 9:16, 10:21 and 9:64, as well as a solution to the problem with the timer in XNUMX-bit mode.

Additionally, the Serious Sam Alpha Remake engine is being developed with the implementation of an alternative modification of the game Serious Sam Classic The First Encounter. Ported additions to the game include: SE1-ParseError, SE1-TSE-HNO, SE1-TFE-OddWorld, SE1-TSE-DancesWorld, se1-parseerror, se1-tse-hno, se1-tfe-oddworld, se1-tse-dancesworld. The author also promises to publish a number of other additions, if there is interest.


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