The source code for the CP/M operating system is available for free use

Retro system enthusiasts settled the issue with the source code license for the CP/M operating system that dominated computers with eight-bit i8080 and Z80 processors in the 2001s. In 80, the CP/M code was donated to the community by Lineo Inc, which acquired the intellectual property of Digital Research, which developed CP/M. The license for the transferred code allowed for use, redistribution and modification, but with a note that this right is granted to the community, developers and maintainers from the site

Because of this flag, developers of CP/M-related projects such as the CP/Mish distribution were hesitant to use the original CP/M code for fear of violating the license. An enthusiast interested in the CP/M code wrote to Bryan Sparks, president of Lineo Inc and DRDOS Inc, asking him to clarify what was meant by the mention of a particular site in the license.

Brian explained that he did not originally intend to give the code to only one site and the postscript only mentioned a separate special case. Brian also issued a clarification in which, on behalf of the company that owns the intellectual property on CP/M, he indicated that the conditions defined in the license apply to everyone. Thus, the text of the license became similar in essence to the MIT open license. The source code for CP/M is written in PL/M and assembly language. An emulator running in a web browser is available to familiarize yourself with the system.


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