One of the founders left the elementary OS project

Cassidy Blaede, co-founder of the elementary OS distribution, announced that he will no longer be involved with the project. Since 2018, Cassidy has been developing elementary OS full-time. Initially, due to financial problems at elementary Inc, Cassidy wanted to take a new job in order to free up resources that were spent on salaries for him, and continue to participate in the life of elementary OS and retain his place as a co-owner of the company (the proposed vacancy was related to the development of open code and allowed me to continue spending some time on elementary OS).

Due to a conflict with another co-founder, Cassidy eventually decided to leave the project entirely. Cassidy transferred his stake in elementary Inc to Danielle ForΓ©, who is now the sole owner. The terms of the deal were not disclosed, but it appears that Cassidy agreed to Daniela's terms and received half of the funds remaining in the company's account. After leaving the project, Cassidy intends to devote his activities in the community to the development of GNOME, Flatpak and Flathub.


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