From programmer to businessman (or from rags to riches)

Now I will tell you the real truth in all seriousness, how to make your dream come true and become free and independent, in order to forever forget about the vile obligation to get up at 7 in the morning for work, buy your own private jet and fly away from here to somewhere warmer and farther. I am firmly convinced that every sane adequate citizen can do this. In fact, everything is simple. It is necessary to carry out three simple steps, and the goal will certainly be achieved.

1. Get to know people who share your aspirations

Everything is very simple. Your old friends will help you find new friends. To do this, bring them together for a fun drinking, singing songs, riding in the "dota" or whatever you usually do with them ... Look at them very carefully. Remember every moment of time that you irretrievably missed, so that instead of achieving your dreams, get this. Mentally say goodbye to these people, and quietly leave the party. And never meet them again to spend time together. Carefully store their image in your memory and avoid anyone who even slightly resembles them.

Note! Sharing aspirations does not mean ranting about how good it would be. It means to strive, to move in a given direction. And if you're going up, don't stand next to those who cling to you to pull you down! In the end, not only will they not allow you to do what you have planned, but by filling the entire part of the space-time continuum around you, they will not allow new people to appear in your life. Especially if you are an introvert. So without it, it won't work. Cry - and go!

2. Start gradually moving towards your goals.

Everything is quite simple. You drop all the things that you were doing before and start doing things that are really worth doing, in strict accordance with the Eisenhower matrix. Trying to do it quickly does not make sense: even with all your efforts, it will turn out slowly. Terribly meedleennooooooo. Because there will be a lot to do. So, we throw absolutely everything from what you liked to do before (including those entertainments with friends from the first point). We quit work, we quit entertainment, we quit communication with time-wasting people. We leave only strategically important activities: a bicycle, a pool and other movements that support life in your body. If there is no work at all, we leave it to a minimum.

3. educate yourself

Everything is amazingly simple. You just need to learn a new profession: business. How many years did it take to master the previous one? And how many years did it take to form the mentality that led to the previous profession? It all needs to be replaced. That is, you need to learn again. It will take about the same amount of time. I hope you are not yet 30? Okay, I'm kidding. 40 is also a good age. There is even a small chance to retire on time! So, we start to google books on business, autobiographies of businessmen, speeches of successful people, and so on. We are looking for working methods and patterns, weeding out the slag, and introducing the useful into life.

Here, in general, and all. What did you think, I will tell you how to file a successful startup? Nonsense. It's not about the programs that you write for the computer. It's about the program that's in your head! We are all born with arms, legs, heads and ears. We all have approximately equal physical capabilities. And even if you were born in the wrong place, then physically moving to another place is not such a difficulty. The most difficult thing is to change your behavior and start doing those things that will lead you to the desired result.

And then the question arises: do you need it? No seriously! After all, you know what you need to do, but for some reason you won’t do it either today, or tomorrow, or in a year, or in a lifetime. I think the whole problem is motivation. More precisely, in its frequent absence. Maybe you just don't see yourself where you think you want to be? This is a big and complex problem. We are all driven by motivation, often driven by completely incomprehensible where and why. That is, in order to stop moving in a circle, in a spiral, or marking time, it is necessary that the motivation to change the motivation appears. And she is not. How to be? Some time ago, a friend (who may recognize himself in these lines) gave me useful advice: go to the book market and buy a few books on the topic “how to create a business”, and it doesn’t matter which authors, because Their main essence is the same: motivation. It worked, for which I am still very grateful to him. It was a great kick in the ass and a charge to start. After reading three books on how to become a millionaire, I stopped wandering in circles and began, figuratively, to run like crazy. True, again in a circle, but much faster! In the end, this increases the effect of centrifugal force, which in itself is pretty good.

Another question is what, in fact, to do. No, everything that I wrote above is understandable, but then what? Where to start a specific business, how to carry it out, how not to miscalculate, and, no less important, not to get into trouble? You can think about this question for a long time. This is also a kind of walking in circles. How to get out of it? Yes, just start doing something. Get up after every fall, no matter how many times you fall. Draw conclusions and try again. The main thing is that adequate time frames should be set for any reflection, after which a decision is made. You can’t think forever, endlessly look for an idea worth a million. We just don't have enough time to think so much. Moreover, as long as you do nothing, new thoughts will not be able to enter your head. So do it, do it, and do it again. And be persistent and persistent. Any idea, if it does not turn out to be completely delusional, should be brought to some reasonable finale so that the assumption turns into confident knowledge. And then trying to benefit from it is also very useful. It happens that people start something, and then quit because it didn’t work out. Time passes, and new brilliant ideas appear, but the case is gone. And, if some project still turns out to be worthwhile, you will only know about it when you implement it. And I'll tell you a secret that any sane business in which you have invested your soul is doomed to life, because you create value, and value is always worth something, and, as a rule, more than fakes. And in the end, no matter what happens, you get an experience that you won’t drink away. Experience will always take you out. In the end, it's not as scary as it seems. I have seen many successful projects started by completely ordinary people with completely unremarkable skills. And what is surprising: while others dreamed, these worked hard, and within a few years they received enviable results. They just worked. Just. WORKED.

A few more final tips:
Business is people, this must always be remembered and taken into account. When you create a business, you create relationships between people - no more and no less. Therefore, always think about who you are collaborating with and whom you are hiring, build good faith relationships for the future, this will allow you to acquire useful connections and strengthen your position. Learn to find a common language with people, this is very important.
read books. If you don’t feel like reading, watch a video on this topic, catch inspiration and then read. Treat books like chests of gold. Each (good) book will give you very valuable knowledge, in fact, it is someone else's experience that shortens your path for years. Maybe even some of my previous articles will help.
Don't be afraid that something won't work. And don't worry, everything will be as it should be! It just needs to be. Over time, when confidence comes, you will appreciate all the stupid things that you did and understand what it gave you. The only thing you don't appreciate is the time you spent trying to do nothing at all.

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