Accessory images indicate a possible PSP-inspired Nintendo Switch Mini design

Rumors about the preparation of a smaller version of the Nintendo Switch console without switchable controllers have been around for a long time. Although the Japanese company has not officially announced anything, publications on the website of the Chinese accessories manufacturer Honson once again revived information about the preparation of such a portable console. On the page Honson Nintendo Switch Mini 11 different products are featured, including bags, cases and screen protectors.

Accessory images indicate a possible PSP-inspired Nintendo Switch Mini design

One of the pages promises an exact match to the design of the accessory of the future Nintendo Switch mini. Similar product images were posted on the company's Facebook page a week ago. It is curious that most of the images of the console itself in gray are taken from amateur render back in 2017, so it is unlikely to reflect the real design.

Accessory images indicate a possible PSP-inspired Nintendo Switch Mini design

But there is also a more interesting image of the console in black above. This version of the system features a larger, shallower d-pad, slightly different analog sticks, and a screenshot button that is missing from the gray images. This version of the system is given for a transparent silicone case, which will need to be quite accurate to fit the future console, considering not only the overall design, but also the placement of ports and vents.

Accessory images indicate a possible PSP-inspired Nintendo Switch Mini design

All products are now listed as out of stock on the Honson website (the company said resource NintendoDIYthat they will be available starting next week). But some of the company's products, like cases for the Nintendo Switch Mini, are already available for order via Alibaba, including with the possibility of individual packaging and options for placing logos for large wholesale customers.

Accessory images indicate a possible PSP-inspired Nintendo Switch Mini design

All images show the Switch Mini in a monolithic design, with non-switchable Joy-con controllers. In addition, a D-pad is used on the left side instead of the button-based D-Pad. While the pictures may be fake, Honson has been on the market since 2004, making a ton of controllers and accessories for consoles and international distribution. So it's not some anonymous troll or one day company. If Nintendo reveals early plans for the Switch Mini, then this Chinese manufacturer could be one of those partners.

Nintendo of America has not commented on the rumors. By the way, many of the images are reminiscent of the 3D layout of the Switch Mini, which was recently shown at the booth of accessories manufacturer iPega during E3.


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