43 new members join Linux Foundation, including Mail.ru and Volkswagen

The non-profit organization Linux Foundation, which oversees a wide range of works related to the development of Linux, announced about the entry into its ranks of 43 companies, of which 38 joined in the status of a silver member. Of the new participants, the Volkswagen automobile concern and the Mail.Ru company, which joined in the face of divisions, engaged in the development of a cloud services platform.

Silver members of the Linux Foundation pay an annual fee of $5-20 per year, gold members pay $100 per year, and platinum
500 thousand dollars (platinum members receive the right to enter a company representative on the board of directors of the Linux Foundation). Platinum Partner of the Linux Foundation includes Verizon, Google, Fujitsu, AT&T, Microsoft, VMware, Cisco, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Samsung, NEC, Qualcomm, Hitachi, Tencent and Oracle.

Source: opennet.ru

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