How salaries and popularity of programming languages ​​have changed over the past 2 years

How salaries and popularity of programming languages ​​have changed over the past 2 years

In our recent report on salaries in IT for the 2nd half of 2019 many interesting details were left behind the scenes. Therefore, we decided to highlight the most important of them in separate publications. Today we will try to answer the question of how the salary of developers of different programming languages ​​has changed.

We take all data from salary calculator "My circle", in which users indicate the salaries that they receive in their hands after deducting all taxes. We will compare salaries by six months, in each of which we collect more than 7 salaries.

For the 2nd half of 2019, salaries for the main programming languages ​​look like this:
the highest median salaries for Scala, Objective-C and Golang developers are 150 rubles. per month, next to them the Elixir language - 000 rubles. Swift and Ruby are next - 145 rubles, and then Kotlin and Java - 000 rubles. 

Delphi has the lowest median salaries - 75 rubles. and C - 000 rubles.

All other languages ​​have a median salary in the region of 100 rubles. or slightly lower.

How salaries and popularity of programming languages ​​have changed over the past 2 years

And how long does this situation last, have the leaders listed above always been like that? Let's see how the median salaries have changed for all the programming languages ​​we have taken for research over the past two years.

We can see that if Scala and Elixir saw a very small increase in the median of salaries, then Objective-C and Go had a strong jump, which allowed them to catch up with these two languages. Swift over the same time caught up with Ruby and slightly outperformed Kotlin and Java.
How salaries and popularity of programming languages ​​have changed over the past 2 years
The dynamics of relative salaries across all languages ​​is as follows: over the past two years, Objective-C has the largest jump in median salary - 50%, followed by Swift - 30%, followed by Go, C # and JavaScript - 25%.

Considering inflation, we can say that the median salary of PHP, Delphi, Scala and Elixir developers almost does not change, while it is clearly falling for C and C++ developers.
How salaries and popularity of programming languages ​​have changed over the past 2 years
It is interesting to compare the dynamics of salaries with the dynamics of the prevalence of programming languages ​​among developers. According to the data collected in our calculator, we calculated for each half year what was the proportion of those who indicated a particular language compared to all who indicated programming languages.

JavaScript is the most common - about 30% indicate it as their main skill, and the share of such developers has slightly increased in two years. Next comes PHP - about 20% -25% own it, but the share of such specialists is steadily decreasing. Java and Python follow in terms of prevalence - about 15% speak these languages, but if the share of Java specialists is slightly growing, then the share of Python specialists is slightly decreasing. Closes the top of the most common languages ​​- C #: about 10-12% speak it, and their share is growing.

The rarest languages ​​are Elixir, Scala, Delphi, and C, with 1% of developers or less proficient in them. It is difficult to talk about the dynamics of their prevalence due to a rather small sample of these languages, but in general it can be seen that their relative share is rather falling. 
How salaries and popularity of programming languages ​​have changed over the past 2 years
The following chart shows that the share of JavaScript, Kotlin, Java, C#, and Go developers has grown over two years, while the share of PHP developers has dropped noticeably.
How salaries and popularity of programming languages ​​have changed over the past 2 years

In summary, we can make the following general observations:

  • We see a simultaneous noticeable increase in salaries and an increase in the share of developers in languages JavaScript, Kotlin, Java, C# and Go. Apparently, the consumer market using these technologies and the labor market corresponding to it are now growing simultaneously.
  • A notable increase in salaries and little or no increase in the share of developers - in Objective-C, Swift, 1С, Ruby and Python. Most likely, the consumer market using these technologies is growing, and the labor market is not keeping up with it or using obsolete technologies.
  • Slight or no growth in salaries and the share of developers - in Scala, Elixir, C, C++, Delphi. The consumer market and the labor market using these technologies are not growing.
  • A slight increase in salaries and a noticeable decrease in the share of developers - in PHP. The consumer and labor markets that use these technologies are shrinking.

    If you like our salary surveys and want to get even more accurate and useful information, don't forget to leave your salaries in our calculator, from which we then take all the data:


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