How to get the most out of a conference. Instructions for the little ones

Conferences are not something unusual or special for accomplished professionals. But for those who are just trying to get on their feet, the hard-earned money laid out should bring maximum results, otherwise why was it three months to sit on doshiraks and live in a hostel? IN this The article does a pretty good job of explaining how to attend the conference. I suggest expanding the instructions a bit.

Before the conference

Decide whether to buy a ticket

There is always a chance to be disappointed in the time and money spent, so before the whole mess begins, it is worthwhile to understand whether you want to participate in it. The simplest thing is to ask around with friends who have already participated. They will describe the format, theme, pastime and many other nuances. They can also directly tell you whether you should go there or maybe suggest a more suitable option.

If it's hard to get along with friends, do your own research. Watch videos from past conferences, maybe someone filmed the process? Or reports? You can also go through the hashtags on Instagram and other social networks. networks, reviews will be lying around somewhere. After all, everyone does not trust reviews on sites, right? πŸ˜€

Buy a ticket

If you liked everything and the time does not seem to be wasted, get your ticket to the conference. If the price still seems prohibitive, you can try several options:

  • Buy a ticket in advance, conferences often offer a discount to those who purchase a ticket in advance.
  • Ask your employer or educational organization to sponsor your participation. After participation, based on the information you heard, you can independently prepare a report on what you heard or replenish the corporate knowledge base.
  • Become a speaker. Try yourself as a speaker if you have something to talk about. Personally, I have never been able to participate in this way πŸ™
  • Become a volunteer. Volunteers are offered wholly or partly free participation. You can become a photographer, videographer, assistant and many more. Yes, the opportunities to participate are very limited, but sometimes it is a suitable option.
  • Consider online participation. Sometimes, by purchasing a broadcast viewing, which is cheaper or free, you save on tickets, your time and get comfortable viewing on topics of interest. Although I confess, I have always been closer to the live format.

Fill out your profile

Often on the conference website you can see the list of participants. Check that everything is correct and that you, at least, could be found in the social. networks. You have no idea who might want to meet with you after the conference. Suddenly this is fate?

How to get the most out of a conference. Instructions for the little ones

Join the chats and subscribe to the newsletter

The whole movement starts even before the conference itself starts. People offer to meet before or after, get together for an after-after-party, participate in a competition, get to know each other and just chat. This chat is even more useful during the event itself: You can find out the latest information about the events at the conference itself. And then discuss the topic of reports.

Explore the program of the event

I always think in advance which reports I will go to and where I will go instead of them, what I want to do during the break and who I can get to the expert session with. Most often, the reports are not some kind of know-how and you can find information on this topic. But if during the study of this information some question appeared, it can be asked to the speaker. Experience and competence - that's what we really want to know about the topic that interests us.

Take care of your power bank

It happens at the worst possible time! I just wanted to quickly file a project on a laptop, and all the sockets were already plastered with the same ones as you. During the reports, you have to google, this is normal. You have come for something new.

Choose clothes

This may seem like an unnecessary step, but it is often important. If you are traveling with colleagues, choose corporate t-shirts. If you represent your company, consider placing your contacts on a T-shirt or badge. Come up with a creative T-shirt to draw attention to yourself, for example, on a specific topic that interests you.

How to get the most out of a conference. Instructions for the little ones

get enough sleep

If the conference goes on for more than one day, and even in another city, then there is usually no time to sleep. I also try to meet my friends if I am here. Sometimes I go to concerts. In any case, falling asleep during the presentation would be too embarrassing πŸ™‚

During the conference


Well, about the reports, and so it is clear. Initially, you came here to receive knowledge, and not to run around the stands. Choose reports based on your interests, multi-threaded conferences are very popular now and it's okay if you run from one report to another. It may not be your speaker, it may not be your topic, or it may not be your level. And another person may come instead of you.

Don't go for stardom. Often, it is these reports that can then be listened to in the form of a video recording, and it will be very difficult to talk with an expert. Be subjective!

You can listen not only at the reports, but also in the corridors! You can just walk up and stand next to me if you are embarrassed to express your opinion.

Value expert knowledge

Everyone dreams of talking to a speaker, so the most incredible and amazing questions come up at expert sessions. If you want to talk personally or ask a question to the speaker, it makes sense to do it in advance or later, during the conference. I'm quite shy, so sometimes I ask questions later, on social networks or in the application, if there is such an opportunity. And so far I haven't had anything for it πŸ˜‰

Get the message

There is no point in trying to summarize the report. Take a couple of photo slides if you need to talk about the talk later and note the main points, but the most useful thing you will do is note the ideas that come to you. It can be some topics that you want to study in more detail, ideas for projects, organization of the day, research, social interactions and everything. If before the conference you did not know what to do in your free time, then after that you will cross off the excess from your to-do list.

Take a photo

If there is an opportunity to take a picture with an expert, do it. Something interesting happens on the talk or outside of it - capture it. You don't have to run around the conference with a selfie stick, but a few shots will come in handy. Again, all of a sudden you need to speak and comment on the conference. People want to see pictures, not read text! πŸ™‚

How to get the most out of a conference. Instructions for the little ones

Collect merch

Merch hunters are a separate category of participants that few people like, but apparently I sometimes break through. I have enough stock of sweets, clothes and stationery until the next conference. Seriously, I have a scarf from VK Tech, socks from Wrike, a T-shirt from 2gis and a cap from Intel. Sometimes it seems to me that I am one big advertisement... But stickers are my weakness! While you are fighting for trophies, you can team up, give advice and just chat with the same adventurer as you!

Get to know

Of course, this advice applies to extroverts. Introverts understand all the resentment from this advice. I will share my ways. If I saw the same person at several conferences, then I can go up to him and tell him about it. β€œHey, I saw you at Conference.X and Conference.Y, how do you like this conference? What do you think of her? What are you doing? Where else will you go? Oh, let's go together?" This is of course exaggerated, but I met some people in this way. This is how I find company to have fun.

What I wrote about earlier - I ask questions to experts on social networks. Often the answers to them are accompanied by links and screenshots, which is quite useful. In addition, if the expert actively maintains his social. network and discusses there a topic that interests me, I subscribe.

I also have a way of meeting experts at the events themselves. I go to the expert session, wait for the participants to start to disperse and then start asking my questions, perhaps exchanging experiences (if I have something to say). And at other conferences, the first method is already in effect: β€œHey, we talked there and there. You had a great report, has something changed since then?”.

Visit stands

This is a real opportunity to learn about the company's product, or to consider a number of vacancies. It's no secret that such conferences are a tasty morsel for hr. And they also consider young students and professionals, especially those who are active at their stands. At the stands, you can communicate not only directly with hr, but also with a specialist directly working in this company. You can learn about the schedule, working conditions and current projects.

Attend entertainment events

Master classes, quizzes, quizzes, games, concerts, pre-party, after-party. Even an introvert can find himself and fulfill himself. The conference should be accompanied by vivid emotions.

How to get the most out of a conference. Instructions for the little ones

After the conference

Process your notes

Now the conference is over, but everyone continues. Take a close look at your notes. If they are written in clumsy, uneven handwriting under a stain from a glass of coffee, then remembering what you were thinking at that moment is best now. Structure all the ideas, add something to your planner, calendar, list of books to read, subscribe and join where you wanted to join. If you need to give a talk about the conference, then sketch out a draft with a general structure, based on fresh emotions.

Thank the organizers

Everyone thanks the speakers for their presentation, but forgets to thank the organizers for what they have done. Write an honest review - what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you would like to add, what idea ignited, and what, next time, you would like to avoid. It is feedback that makes these events better. Even if you do not come to this particular conference, you will improve the industry as a whole!

Discuss What You Heard

If you did not go alone, but with acquaintances, colleagues, or made friends right at the conference, get together with them after a while to discuss the information received. It is much more useful not only to digest the information, but also to get a different opinion on it. In the same way, I advise you to present a report on the conference and replenish the corporate knowledge base.


Attending conferences at the very start of your career is cool and useful, you should not miss such opportunities to feel the whole atmosphere of the IT world that you want to enter πŸ™‚


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